The template at a glance

The simplest template is a plain HTML file (or whatever text file; FreeMarker is not confined to HTML). When the client visits that page, FreeMarker will send that HTML to the client as is. However if you want that page to be more dynamic then you begin to put special parts into the HTML which will be understood by FreeMarker:

  • ${...}: FreeMarker will replace it in the output with the actual value of the expression inside the curly brackets. They are called interpolations.

  • FTL tags (for FreeMarker Template Language tags): FTL tags are a bit similar to HTML tags, but they are instructions to FreeMarker and will not be printed to the output. The name of these tags start with #. (User-defined FTL tags use @ instead of #, but they are an advanced topic.)

  • Comments: Comments are similar to HTML comments, but they are delimited by <#-- and -->. Unlike HTML comments, FTL comments won't get into the output (won't be visible in the page source for the visitor), because FreeMarker skips them.

Anything not an FTL tag or an interpolation or comment is considered static text and will not be interpreted by FreeMarker; it is just printed to the output as-is.

With FTL tags you refer to so-called directives. This is the same kind of relationship as between HTML tags (e.g.: <table> and </table>) and HTML elements (e.g., the table element) to which you refer to with the HTML tags. (If you don't understand this difference then consider "FTL tag" and "directive" synonyms.)


You can easily try writing templates on

Some basic directives

Here we will look at some of the most commonly used directives (but there are much more).

The if directive

With the if directive you can conditionally skip a section of the template. For example, assume that in the very first example you want to greet your boss, Big Joe, differently than other users:

    Welcome ${user}<#if user == "Big Joe">, our beloved leader</#if>!
  <p>Our latest product:
  <a href="${latestProduct.url}">${}</a>!

Here you have told FreeMarker that the ", our beloved leader" should be there only if the value of the variable user is equal to the string "Big Joe". In general, things between <#if condition> and </#if> tags are skipped if condition is false (the boolean value).

Let's look at condition more closely: == is an operator that tests if the values at its left and right side are equivalent, and the results is a boolean value, true or false accordingly. On the left side of == I have referenced a variable with the syntax that should be already familiar; this will be replaced with the value of the variable. In general, unquoted words inside directives or interpolations are treated as references to variables. On the right side I have specified a literal string. Literal strings in templates must always be put inside quotation marks.

This will print "Pythons are free today!" if their price is 0:

<#if animals.python.price == 0>
  Pythons are free today!

Similarly as earlier when a string was specified directly, here a number is specified directly (0). Note that the number is not quoted. If you quoted it ("0"), FreeMarker would misinterpret it as a string literal, and because the price to compare it to is a number, you get an error.

This will print "Pythons are not free today!" if their price is not 0:

<#if animals.python.price != 0>
  Pythons are not free today!

As you probably guessed, != means "not equals".

You can write things like this too (using the data-model used to demonstrate hashes):

<#if animals.python.price < animals.elephant.price>
  Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.

With the <#else> tag you can specify what to do if the condition is false. For example:

<#if animals.python.price < animals.elephant.price>
  Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
  Pythons are not cheaper than elephants today.

This prints "Pythons are cheaper than elephants today." if the price of python is less than the price of elephant, or else it prints "Pythons are not cheaper than elephants today." You can refine this further by using elseif:

<#if animals.python.price < animals.elephant.price>
  Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
<#elseif animals.elephant.price < animals.python.price>
  Elephants are cheaper than pythons today.
  Elephants and pythons cost the same today.

If you have a variable with boolean value (a true/false thing) then you can use it directly as the condition of if:

<#if animals.python.protected>
  Pythons are protected animals!

The list directive

This is needed when you want to list something. For example if you merge this template with the data-model used earlier to demonstrate sequences:

<p>We have these animals:
<table border=1>
  <#list animals as animal>
    <tr><td>${}<td>${animal.price} Euros

then the output will be:

<p>We have these animals:
<table border=1>
    <tr><td>mouse<td>50 Euros
    <tr><td>elephant<td>5000 Euros
    <tr><td>python<td>4999 Euros

The generic form of the list directive is: <#list sequence as loopVariable>repeatThis</#list>. The repeatThis part will be repeated for each item in the sequence that you have specified with sequence, one after the other, starting from the first item. In all repetitions loopVariable will hold the value of the current item. This variable exists only between the <#list ...> and </#list> tags.

The sequence can be any kind of expression. For example we could list the fruits of the example data model like this:

<#list misc.fruits as fruit>

The misc.fruits expression should be familiar to you; it references a variable in the data-model.

A problem with the above example is that if we happen to have 0 fruits, it will still print an empty <ul></ul> instead of just nothing. To avoid that, you can use this form of list:

<#list misc.fruits>
    <#items as fruit>

Here, the list directive represents the listing as a whole, and only the part inside the items directive is repeated for each fruit. If we have 0 fruits, everything inside list is skipped, hence we will not have ul tags in case.

Another frequent listing-related task: let's list the fruits separating them with something, like a comma:

<p>Fruits: <#list misc.fruits as fruit>${fruit}<#sep>, </#list>
<p>Fruits: orange, banana

The section covered by sep (which we could be written like this too: ...<#sep>, </#sep></#list>) will be only executed when there will be a next item. Hence there's no comma after the last fruit.

Here again, what if we have 0 fruits? Just printing "Fruits:" and then nothing is awkward. A list, just like an if, can have an else, which is executed if there were 0 list items:

<p>Fruits: <#list misc.fruits as fruit>${fruit}<#sep>, <#else>None</#list>

As a matter of fact, this simplistic example could be written like this, but it uses language devices that are off topic here:

<p>Fruits: ${fruits?join(", ", "None")}

All these directives (list, items, sep, else) can be used together:

<#list misc.fruits>
    <#items as fruit>
      <li>${fruit}<#sep> and</#sep>
  <p>We have no fruits.

You can read more about these directives in the Reference.

The include directive

With the include directive you can insert the content of another file into the template.

Suppose you have to show the same copyright notice on several pages. You can create a file that contains the copyright notice only, and insert that file everywhere where you need that copyright notice. Say, you store this copyright notice in copyright_footer.html:

Copyright (c) 2000 <a href="">Acmee Inc</a>,
All Rights Reserved.

Whenever you need that file you simply insert it with the include directive:

  <title>Test page</title>
  <h1>Test page</h1>
  <p>Blah blah...
  <#include "/copyright_footer.html">

and the output will be:

  <title>Test page</title>
  <h1>Test page</h1>
  <p>Blah blah...
Copyright (c) 2000 <a href="">Acmee Inc</a>,
All Rights Reserved.

If you change the copyright_footer.html, then the visitor will see the new copyright notice on all pages.


A much more powerful way of reusing snippets is using macros, but that's an advanced topic discussed later.

Using directives together

You can use directives as many times on a page as you want, and you can nest directives into each other freely. For example, here you nest if directive inside a list directive:

<#list animals as animal>
      <div<#if animal.protected> class="protected"</#if>>
        ${} for ${animal.price} Euros

Note that since FreeMarker does not interpret text outside FTL tags, interpolations and FTL comments, above you could use the FTL tags inside HTML attributes without problem.

Using built-ins

The so-called built-ins are like subvariables (or rather like methods, if you know that Java term) that aren't coming from the data-model, but added by FreeMarker to the values. In order to make it clear where subvariables comes from, you have to use ? (question mark) instead of . (dot) to access them. Examples with some of the most commonly used built-ins:

  • user?upper_case gives the upper case version of the value of user (like "JOHN DOE" instead of "John Doe")

  • give the with its first letter converted to upper case (like "Mouse" instead of "mouse")

  • user?length gives the number of characters in the value of user (8 for "John Doe")

  • animals?size gives the number of items in the animals sequence (3 in our example data-model)

  • If you are between <#list animals as animal> and the corresponding </#list> tag:

    • animal?index gives the 0-based index of animal inside animals

    • animal?counter is like index, but gives the 1-based index

    • animal?item_parity gives the strings "odd" or "even", depending on the current counter parity. This is commonly used for coloring rows with alternating colors, like in <td class="${animal?item_parity}Row">.

  • formats (let's say that's a number, the technical ID of the product in our database) so that it can be safely parsed by a computer process. This is important, as ${} would format it for human audience, which may contains more complicated (like localized, grouped, etc.) formatting.

Some built-ins require parameters to specify the behavior more, for example:

  • animal.protected?string("Y", "N") return the string "Y" or "N" depending on the boolean value of animal.protected.

  • animal?item_cycle('lightRow', 'darkRow') is the more generic variant of item_parity from earlier.

  • fruits?join(", "): converts the list to a string by concatenating items, and inserting the parameter separator between each items (like "orange, banana")

  • user?starts_with("J") gives boolean true of false depending on if user starts with the letter "J" or not.

  • animals?filter(it -> it.protected) gives the list of protected animals. To list protected animals only, you could use <#list animals?filter(it -> it.protected) as animal>...</#list>.

Built-in applications can be chained, like fruits?join(", ")?upper_case will first convert the list a to a string, then converts it to upper case. (This is just like you can chain .-s (dots) too.)

You can find the full set of built-ins in the Reference.

Dealing with missing variables

The data-model often has variables that are optional (i.e., sometimes missing). To spot some typical human mistakes, FreeMarker doesn't tolerate references to missing variables unless you tell explicitly what to do if the variable is missing. Here we will show the two most typical ways of doing that.

Note for programmers: A non-existent variable and a variable with null value is the same for FreeMarker. The "missing" term used here covers both cases.

Wherever you refer to a variable, you can specify a default value for the case the variable is missing by following the variable name with a ! and the default value. Like in the following example, when user is missing from data model, the template will behave like if user's value were the string "visitor". (When user isn't missing, this template behaves exactly like with ${user}):

<h1>Welcome ${user!"visitor"}!</h1>

You can ask whether a variable isn't missing by putting ?? after its name. Combining this with the already introduced if directive you can skip the whole greeting if the user variable is missing:

<#if user??><h1>Welcome ${user}!</h1></#if>

Regarding variable accessing with multiple steps, like animals.python.price, writing animals.python.price!0 is correct only if animals.python is never missing and only the last subvariable, price, is possibly missing (in which case here we assume it's 0). If animals or python is missing, the template processing will stop with an "undefined variable" error. To prevent that, you have to write (animals.python.price)!0. In that case the expression will be 0 even if animals or python is missing. Same logic goes for ??; animals.python.price?? versus (animals.python.price)??.

Escaping for HTML, XML and other markup

Let's say the template generates HTML, and you insert values with ${...} that are plain text (not HTML), like company names coming from a database. Characters that has special meaning in HTML must be escaped in such values, like if name is "Someone & Co." then ${name} should print "Someone &amp; Co.".

FreeMarker automatically escapes all values printed with ${...} if it's properly configured (that's the responsibility of the programmers; see here how). The recommended practice is using ftlh file extension to activate HTML auto-escaping, and ftlx file extension to activate XML auto-escaping.

You can try if auto-escaping is on like ${"<"} and then checking the raw output (for HTML or XML escaping). If it's not, and the configuration won't be adjusted, add this as the very first line of the template:

<#ftl output_format="HTML">

(Use "XML" instead of "HTML" above if you generate XML.)

If the string value to print deliberately contains markup, auto-escaping must be prevented like ${value?no_esc}.

You can find out much more about auto-escaping and output formats here...


The kind of automatic escaping described here requires at least FreeMarker 2.3.24. If you have to use an earlier version, use the deprecated escape directive instead.